2010년 2월 9일 화요일

Ahnsahnghong]-Die Familiengeschichte Abrahams und die Mutter[1]

Die Familiengeschichte Abrahams und die Mutter

In der Bibel ist Abraham eine Allegorie Gottes. Und die Heilige Schrift zeigt uns, wie wir aufgrund der Famliengeschichte Abrahams die himmlische Erschaft antreten können. In der Familie Abrahams war Isaak der Erbe.

Obwohl Ismael durch Hagar das Erbrecht besaß, schlug ihm Gott die Hinterlassenschaft ab und erlaubte Isaak, dem Sohn Sarahs, seinen Nachlass, Denn er war das Kind Sarahs, der Freien. Aus dieser Geschichte lässt sich folgern, dass das himmlische Erbe von der Mutter abhängt. Ahnsahnghong hat uns eines der strengsten Geheimnisse der Bibel anvertraut, nämlich die Existenz der himmlischen Mutter.

Lass uns nun im Einzeln auf die von Ahnsahnghong offenbarte Prophetie über „Abrahams Familie und die Mutter" eingehen.

Abraham ist ein Sinnbild für Gott

First of all, we need to recognize who the character Abraham represents in the Bible.

Luke 16:19-31 『"...The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham...' "』

As you know, this parable is about a beggar, named Lazarus, and a rich man. The parable tells of Lazarus, who died and was carried to heaven, and a rich man, who was sent to hell to be tormented. Lazarus was obviously carried to God's side after he had died; however, the Bible states that Lazarus traveled to Abraham's side. In the parable, the rich man, who went to hell, called up to God in the distance; however, the Bible states that the man saw Abraham, and called up to him, saying, "Father Abraham." Who is the only one who is worthy to be called "Father" in the spiritual world? God is the only one who can be called upon in this way. Then, whom does Abraham represent? Logically, the character Abraham was chosen to represent God. Therefore, the inheritance of Abraham can be likened to the inheritance of God, the kingdom of heaven.


♡ Die Kirchengemeinde Gottes glaubt an die Mutter des Himmels ♡

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